
Ullieam as a boys name

The name Uilleam is commonly spelled, “William” in English. The meaning of Uilleam has a Scottish origin and means “willing protector”.

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Over time, the popularity of Uilleam has remained low. In 2018 Ullieam was not in the top 100 baby boys names in Scotland.

Famous People with the Name

William Wallace
Uilleam Uallas (more commonly known as William Wallace)

A famous historical figure known as, Uilleam Earl of Mar was a famous Scottish builder in the 13th century. Another notable figure with the name was Uiilleam the 1st Earl of Ross. He was the ruler of the province of Ross in northern Scottland. Finally, Uilleam Uallas (William Wallace) was a famous Scottish knight who became famous while fighting in the first Scottish war of independence. Some people spell his name with two w’s.


The name Ullieam is, therefore, a historical Scottish name that predates the modern form of William due to the change over the English language over time. Today, you will likely never encounter a Ullieam unless in rural Scottland, even then the name is very rare and commonly not used.

Useful Resources

Discover the meaning and popularity of other Scottish boys’ names.