
Discover the Meaning and Popularity of the Name Simidh

Simidh is a Scottish name for boys that is not very popular in the country or around the world. It is a version of the name Simon, which is often used for boys around the world.

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Even though the spelling is a bit more complicated than Simon and other similar names, the name is very simple, as Simidh has only two syllables and is easy to pronounce.

The name Simidh was not given to many notable people. It was originally a Gaelic and Hebrew name. The meaning of Simidh in Scottland is “hearkening.”


It was not listed as one of Scottland’s 100 top names for baby boys in the year 2019. The popularity of Simidh is not impressive, but the popularity of the name that it comes from is much greater.

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Discover the meaning and popularity of other Scottish boys’ names.