
Meaning of Tormod

Tormod is a masculine Scottish boy name that comes from Germanic and Old Norse roots, meaning “North man” or “Thor’s mind.” “Thor-mod” translates to “mind, courage, and wrath.”

Norse conquerors first introduced the name Tormod to Gaelic speakers and have since been Anglicised as a meaning of Norman in Scotland. The name has been used in Gaelic, Scandinavian, and Scottish languages.

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The popularity of Tormod

Since Tormod is a unique name, it was not found in the 100 most popular baby boys’ name in Scotland in 2017.

Famous People with the Name Tormod

Three of the most well-known individuals with the name Tormod is Tormod Macleod, Tormod MacGill-Eain, and Tormod Caimbeul.

  • Tormod Macleod is remembered as a west Highland Lord and son of Leod; traditional founder and eponymous ancestor of Clan MacLeod. His name is now known as the Scottish Gaelic name Sìol Thormoid, which means “seed of Tormod.”
  • Tormod MacGill-Eain is a famous Scottish Gaelic comedian, novelist, poet, musician and broadcaster, who passed in August 2017.
  • Tormod Caimbeul, a Scottish Gaelic novelist, poet, author of children’s literature, and translator, who is remembered today as one of the most important Gaelic writers of the twentieth century.

Useful Resources

Discover the meaning and popularity of other Scottish boys names on our website.