
Gilchrist Name and Meaning

Gilchrist is a Scottish surname from the Gaelic personal name Gille Crìosd, which translates to servant of Christ. In recent years the name has been used as a unique first name for males. Because of its more common usage as a last name, the popularity of Gilchrist is not known or recorded.

Gilchrist can find its origins in the ancient county of Berwickshire, Scotland. Their family held a seat for an extended amount of time, some even claim before the Norman Conquest. Some ancient variations of the name are Gilcist, Gilcriest, and Gilcryst.

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It is no surprise that Gilchrist was not in the top 100 baby boys names in Scotland in 2017.

Famous Gilchrist’s

The Cricketer Adam Gilchrist
The Cricketer Adam Gilchrist

Two of the most famous people bearing the name Gilchrist is Sidney Gilchrist Thomas and Andrew Gilchrist. Sidney Gilchrist Thomas was an English inventor and Andrew Gilchrist was a British Special Operations Executive operative who served during the Cold War.

In present times we can find the name Gilchrist associated with the famous Australian cricketer Adam Gilchrist. Also in the Gilchrist county, Florida, named after Albert W. Gilchrist, an earlier governor for the state.



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