Scottish names for male cats

People are looking for different names to name their male cats. Here are some Scottish names for male cats.

There are many Scottish names suitable for your kitten
There are many Scottish names suitable for your kitten

Ailbert – This is a name for Nobel and brave.
Baen -This is a good name for lighter-coloured cats. The name means fair colour.
Blake -This name can either mean black or white.
Braden – This name translates to salmon fish. It is a good name if the male cat likes to eat fish.
Carmichael -This means friend of follower. It can be a good name for a cat companion.
Fergus -This means strong man and it can be good for the lead male cat.
Niall – This name means champion. It can also be spelled, Neill.
Reed – If the cat has reddish fur this is a good name and it means redhead.

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These are some Scottish male cat names. They do have a meaning behind them and they are something new to name a cat.

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