
History about the Name Jockie

The name Jockie is a Scottish name meant for baby boys. Just as most Scottish name it has an identity that makes in a way determines the character of the boy when they grow up.

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The meaning of Jockie is an English name which is Jack and in Hebrew, it means Yahweh may protect and the holder of the heel.

In its English version most people call their children jack while in Scottish, it is pronounced as Jocky. Jack is more popular than Jockie, in the Scottish top most popular name from the government’s statistics Jockie was not popular. However, it is a great name for boys especially in Scotland where parents award the children the name to make them develop a sensible character when growing.

Famous People with the Name Jockie

Despite people adopting the English version of Jockie , the popularity of Jockie still exists. For example, the most popular person existing with the name Jockie includes:

  • Jockie Jones an Australian footballer who played the fairest games back in the 1920s.
  • Also, there is Jockie Soerjoprajogo a famous musician from the region of Indonesia.

Jockie definitely is a good name for a baby boy.

Useful Resources

Discover the meaning and popularity of other Scottish male names.

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