
Meaning and Origin

Coinneach is a very distinctive Scottish male name. The meaning of Coinneach comes from the Gaelic word for handsome which is “caoin.”


Coinneach does not have a high popularity in Scotland. Government statistics say that the popularity of Coinneach did not rank in the top 100 names of 2017.

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Famous Men with the Name Coinneach

Coinneach is often anglicised to “Kenneth.” Many historical figures with the name Coinneach are now referred to as Kenneth.

Coinneach mac Ailpein, or Kenneth MacAlpin, is commonly thought of as the first king of Scots. His rule is therefore a key part of Scottish national identity.

Coinneach Odhar, or the Brahan Seer, was allegedly able to predict the future. He used an Adder stone (a stone that has a natural hole in the middle) to aid his visions.

Coinneach mac Mhaoil Chaluim is the modern Gaelic version of Kenneth II. Kenneth II was the King of Scots in the late 900s A.D.

Useful Resources

See our complete list of Scottish boy’s names.

Check out the most popular Scottish names for boys.