
History of the Name

The name Anndra can be used for male or female babies. In the bible, Anndra was an appostle who was a fisherman. Appostle Anndra was the brother of Simon Peter.

Anndra, the apostle was a fisherman
Anndra, the apostle was a fisherman

Meaning of Anndra

Anndra is of Greek origin. The meaning of Anndra is manly. The first recorded name of someone born with the name Anndra was on a Monday, January 20, 1958.

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Popularity of Anndra

In Scottland, Anndra reached the 85,482 position in popularity. At least 500 people in total are named Anndra making less than one percent of people in Scotland and perhaps the entire world with that name.


Andrew is a variation of the name Anndra. Although the name goes back to biblical times, its popularity in Scotland went down considerably during the middle 1990s. The Patron St. Andrew is celebrated in Scotland on November 30.

Useful Resources

Discover the meaning and popularity of other Scottish boys’ names.