Popular Scottish Boys Names

Popular Scottish boys names Word Cloud
Popular Scottish Boy’s names in Scotland

Scotland produces many popular boys’ names that are not only popular in Scotland but in Britain and beyond.

You see that many names in the list have been prevalent names in Scotland over the centuries.

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Our most up-to-date list of popular girls’ names in 2021 can be found here.

10 Most Popular Scottish Boys Names

  1. Jack
  2. Noah
  3. James
  4. Leo
  5. Oliver
  6. Harris
  7. Rory
  8. Alexander
  9. Finlay
  10. Archie

See all the information about latest names in 2020.

Historic Popularity


We’ve compiled a list of the most popular Scottish names from the latest Scottish Government figures in 2014.

  1. Logan
  2. Charlie
  3. Max
  4. Finlay
  5. Cameron
  6. Callum
  7. Jamie
  8. Andrew
  9. Brodie
  10. Kyle

Please note that this is different from the most popular boys names in Scotland which also includes names that do not originate from Scotland.

Popular Names in 2013

Here’s our list of popular names in 2013.

  1. Logan
  2. Charlie
  3. Finlay
  4. Cameron
  5. Jamie
  6. Callum
  7. Kyle
  8. Brodie
  9. Murray
  10. Fraser

Popular Names in 2012

  1. Logan
  2. Finlay
  3. Jamie
  4. Cameron
  5. Brodie
  6. Robert
  7. Fraser
  8. Euan
  9. Finn
  10. Ross

Some other names that didn’t quite make the top 10 are:

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