
Origin and meaning of the Scottish Name Neil

The name Neil was taken from the name Nicholas. The could also be related to Niall. Throughout the United Kingdom and Ireland the name has many. In Scotland the meaning of Neil is could or passionate. Neil can be pronounced or spelled 18 different ways. A few are Neal, Nial, and, Neall.


Neil is a popular name in the Scotland. Neil’s popularity rate was at a all time high in 2012. The name was 252nd most popular name in Scotland at that time according to Scotland Government Statistics.

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Famous People Called Neil

Throughout history there have been many famous Neil’s that added to Neil’s popularity rating.
Neil Cochran is one of Scotland’s famous Neil’s. Cochran was born in 1965 and has since became a Olympic super statdom. Cochran placed bronze in two events during the 1984 Los Angeles Olympics. He also place gold at the Summer Universiade Zagred 200 m medley.

Neil McGunn was another famous Neil from Scotland. McGunn was born in 1891 and died in 1973. During his career he wrote 20 novels. Specialising in fiction McGunn wrote stories that related to his childhood and youth growing up in Scotland. Throughout his career he was highly praised for work. In 1937 he was awarded the James Tait Black Memorial Prize for the fiction genres. One of his popular books is Highland River.

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